Have you ever looked at your work day and felt like you want to go running straight back to bed. Super relatable! …
As business owners we are afforded OPTIONS… even though to-do lists are a must, we shouldn’t be spending our days slaving over them.
When I started my business, I quickly realized discipline and organization were the cornerstones of success. Even though there was always a lot to do, I created a way to manage my tasks by getting a little bit done all the time. When I set goals and effectively managed my schedule, I was able to complete tasks quickly and efficiently.
It might surprise you to know that with all of the tasks and responsibilities I have in my businesses, I actually make time for self-care, my daily workout, and listen to this…. Registered and currently taking an online Kitchen Design Master class.
Here’s a sneak peak of simple steps I take to organize my work day, keep track of my project deadlines, and be way more productive.
Every Sunday – write down the week’s overview
1) Set aside 1 hour to schedule my week according to definitive meetings.
2) Once those are locked in, I can plan out 1-2 hour blocks of time where work can be done without distractions.
Every Night – create a schedule for the next day.
This daily schedule is a breakdown of what needs to be done for each and every one of my businesses. The more precise, the better; I’ve discovered that when I stick to my plan, I get everything done.

Morning Rituals – MY NON-NEGOTIABLE!
1) Wake up by 7am, do a 10-minute meditation, and have my immune boosters (celery juice and honey ginger shot).
2) Log in to my social media accounts, post and respond to DM. Then I check emails and messages only for urgent matters.
3) Take care of some house chores and plan dinner.
4) Workout for an hour, then shower and make sure my morning skin care ritual is done. It’s important to note that I’ve structured my businesses in a way that allows me to be flexible.
At work – Once at the office, I barely take any breaks, I’ll have my lunch at my desk while working. (Not usually recommended). I remain at the office until I have accomplished a good amount of work. I move my unfinished tasks to tomorrow’s schedule. If I did not have everything on my to-do list crossed off, the remaining tasks become my top priority the next day to help me stay on my project deadlines.

At Night – As soon as I get home, I check in with my daughter and make sure that she has done her schoolwork. Everyone comes to the table so we can have a chat about our day and spend some quality time. By then, it’s probably 9 Pm, I shower then follow with my nighttime skin care routine ANOTHER NON-NEGOTIABLE!
I create my next day schedule, I catch up with the news or watch half a show on Netflix (I am usually so tired I have to catch up the next day on the last 3 episodes I slept on 😀

Remember my friends that this lifestyle has taken me years to get in order. Although my days are long, I’m constantly seeking BALANCE. I don’t force anything – I listen to myself, to my body and mind. I remain mindful and present while I do each activity and know that there will be a time to rest and play. More than anything, I hope you find a way to make time for the things you love, and those that ignite your soul.
With Love,